Муви конфиг от одного из авторов мувика "All Inclusive" - vacuum'a.
Комментарий от автора: "So here she is :) Be gentle to her :p IMPORTANT: Copy Paste into notepad only, else it will mess up the lines :) Sidenote: The dvar "r_lighttweaksunlight" (bound to f3 with value one) differs from map to map! To figure out which value applies for each map, load the map and type r_lighttweaksunlight in the console. You will see a) the current value on top b)the default value under "default" (greyed out) Update: I usually use r_desaturation "0" in my footage. I adjusted it as shyr uses r_desaturation "1" and it wouldnt look good with 2 different values in 1 movie :) Not saying 0 looks bad, its simply personal preference!
Update 2: The rar pack is here. It´s not everything but some handy scripts. Sorry but I´m not giving out all my Kung-Fu (yet)" Запуск: 1. Кинуть Конфиг в папку main (Она находиться в папке с игрой Пример:D:\Games\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main) 2. Зайти в игру 3. Запустить Карту Командой devmap mp_название карты 4. В консоли Вести /exec название конфига